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Yabby Yaks Podcast

Yabby Yaks proudly sponsors
Yarn 'n Yonder retreats.
This is a weekend get-a-way full of fibre, fun and friendship.
Each session there is a mini-class on a skill.
Knitting, crocheting, looming, spinning - we try to cover all the fibre arts.
We even have some who join us just for the fellowship and do not craft. All are welcome to come!
Are you travelling with a spouse or partner? We invite those who are accompanying, and not attending, to join us on Saturday evening for our Communal Dinner. The cost is included in your ergistration but treavbveliing partners will need to purchase a seperate ticket.

Yarn N Yonder Retreat
Starts May 1
50 Canadian dollarsLoading availability...
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Starts May 3
30 Canadian dollarsLoading availability...
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